vrijdag, april 21, 2006

Interview met Aurora

Hello Aurora. How old are you?


How long have you been a student in this school?

I'm not shure. [Het is haar eerste jaar. Studenten kunnen zich pas vanaf vijf jaar inschrijven]

Do you like the school?


What do you like most about the school?

Going off-campus.

And what do you do when you go off-campus?

We walk to some places.

Like where, for example?

To the park, on the street, down the road, and sometimes we can take a short-cut through this way [ze toont waar], the way to my house.

Are there things you don't like about the school?

I don't like ... I don't like playing with the Daltons.

And what is that?

It's Devon, Maya, Daniel, Christine and Leoncid.

What do you do on a normal schoolday?

I play around a lot. On the playground.

And what else do you do?

I eat lunch. It's already been a normal schoolday. And then when there's a day off I sit in my [...] and I might go to Sudbury Valley.

Just before this interview you were telling me about the workshop-day. Could you tell me something more about that? What are you going to do on that day?

I'm going to make masks, paper-plate masks.

What else happens on the workshop-day?

We do a lot of workshop. I'm going to do three workshops. I'm going to do masks, making waterguns out of paper, and I'll be making sculptures. Down by the creek with mud. That's going to be one of my workshops. Instead we'll be doing it with clay.

So you'll be making sculptures outside?

Inside. We usually make them outside, but for my workshop I thought I would take them inside. We will work on paperplates.

What would you like to do when you grow up?

I would like to be a staffmember at Sudbury Valley.

Thank you for the interview, Aurora.


Anonymous Anoniem said...

I like if make more plz!

26/4/06 7:49 p.m.  

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